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Itinerarios Culturales España

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The aim of this project is to promote the sustainable development of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Spain and to encourage the improvement of the competitiveness of the cultural sector through the use of new technologies at the service of the dissemination of the different Itineraries certified in our country. At the same time, it serves as a new channel of communication with citizens, visitors and tourists, establishing a new tool for social dynamisation.

Cultural Routes

The Council of Europes Cultural Routes are an invitation to discover Europes diverse heritage and symbolise some of the values of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and mutual exchanges across borders. Through its programme, the Council of Europe enables synergies between national, regional and local authorities and a wide range of associations and socio-economic actors. In this way, the Cultural Routes preserve and enhance Europes common heritage as a source of cultural, social and economic development. Spain currently participates in 25 certified Cultural Routes covering various themes and integrating different countries.

The app

The aim of this App: "Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Spain", is to promote and disseminate the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Spain. The App serves as a starting point to make known and prepare the visit to the different points of cultural interest that make up the Itineraries. This will serve to contribute to the dissemination of Spanish cultural and natural heritage and as a link with the European heritage in which it is framed.

Types of Itineraries: once the mobile application is accessed, the user will be able to select one of the 4 types of existing itineraries. In turn, each of these will give access to different itineraries, so that the user can select the one he/she is interested in knowing or visiting.

Map: on the map, the users current location is identified with a yellow dot, using GPS, and the selected itinerary is geolocated.

Points of Interest: each Cultural Route is made up of Points of Interest with the following information:

- Multimedia carousel: 360° videos and photographs
- Texts: a description of each Point of Interest.
- Gamification: by checking in, the user will be able to indicate that he/she is in that place and by means of a few simple questions he/she will be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of it.
- Reputation: each POI can be rated and valued.
From each map it will be possible to access the official website of the route and change to the rest of the routes.

Menu: in the settings you can activate or deactivate the sounds, change the language, close the app and access the privacy policy.

Credits: Project promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, Directorate General for Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts, Subdirectorate General for the Management and Coordination of Cultural Heritage. Financed with Next Generation EU funds. Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). The development is by Play and go experience S.L.